Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Leaping on in

I'm sure that it is simplistic to divide the world into two groups of people but from my experience there is often a dividing line between people who leap on in and people who sit back and observe.

I would normally describe myself as a sit back and observe type of person so it is great to be given a bit of motivation to leap on in and take part.

My experience of blogging as been fairly limited - the few blogs that I have read in the past actually struck me as fairly boring. Maybe I was under the misaprehension that the things people say/write/express in blogs would be particularly wise or insightful - I guess that this was just as ridiculous as thinking that everything on the internet is true and accurate (no I have never actually though that!!!)

I am looking forward to reading blogs from the learning 2.0 group because we have a common goal but different backgrounds, experiences and skills. I think that this should make for some interesting reading and ideas.